Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Update on Ella

Yesterday we received a more detailed translation of Ella's physical examination. I think she looks to be quite healthy and developmentally right on target. Here are some highlights from her examination on 9/2/08:

  • 2 teeth
  • wakes at 7am, goes to bed at 8pm
  • naps from 1:30-3:30
  • eats at 6am, 10am, 1pm, 6pm, 11:30pm (we'll have to work on this one!)
  • moderate sleeper and sucks fingers
  • eats congee 3 times a day (congee is a porridge made of rice boiled soft and may have some eggs or veggies added for flavor)
  • eats milk plus rice cereal 2 times a day
  • favorite activity: sitting in walker
  • favorite toy: sounding toy (rattle or something?)
  • weighed 2.6kg (5.7 lbs) and was 45cm (17.7 inches) at birth (11/27/07)
  • small black spot on left arm
  • currently sits steady alone, turns over easily, stands for a moment while holding onto something, has fine hand/eye coordination, turns head and coos when called
  • "she is a quiet child, she likes imitation, she is quick in reaction, she likes to listen to music"


Debbie Huebner said...

Debbie, Ella is beautiful, and that hair....I can't wait for you to bring her in with you!!!! I am so happy for all of you, have a wonderful Christmas as you prepare for Ella to join your family.

Debbie Huebner